Rootleessness as the possibility of appearance the meaning of life in today's social space


  • Лідія Миколаївна Сафонік Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko Str. Universitetska, 1. Lviv 79000, Ukraine



derootation, establishment, marginal, anthropology, globalization, people, sense, the meaning, social, public


The need for attention to the social phenomenon of derooted people in modern social space is emphasized. It is noted that voluntary derootation is a state of autonomy, when forced derootation is a result of conflict with accepted norms, the relation of specific relations expression with the existing social order. It is shown in this work the need for support of people who somehow are deprived of their civil rights, called as "social exclusion" (the unemployment, social discrimination, refugees, homeless, disabled, etc.)

Author Biography

Лідія Миколаївна Сафонік, Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko Str. Universitetska, 1. Lviv 79000

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Philosophy


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Philosophical sciences