Quitting smoking problem among nursing mothers and its solution


  • Тетяна Герасімчук Zaporozhye State Medical University 28a Novgorodskaya str., Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69035, Ukraine
  • Юлія Валентинівна Котлова Zaporozhye State Medical University 28a Novgorodskaya str., Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69035,
  • Яна Павлівна Дубініна Zaporozhye State Medical University 28a Novgorodskaya str., Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69035, Ukraine




smoking, nursing mothers, psychological features


Research actuality is prevalence of smoking among nursing mothers. Individual typological features points of 60 nursing mothers (20 of them smoke)  were explored. The majority (60%) of smoking nursing mothers has low subjective control index. There was determined that measures with recommendations to refuse smoking have low effectiveness. It is reasonable to attract psychologists.

Author Biographies

Тетяна Герасімчук, Zaporozhye State Medical University 28a Novgorodskaya str., Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69035


Department of Childhood illness FPO

Юлія Валентинівна Котлова, Zaporozhye State Medical University 28a Novgorodskaya str., Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69035


Associate Professor, Department of Childhood illness FPO

Яна Павлівна Дубініна, Zaporozhye State Medical University 28a Novgorodskaya str., Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69035

Assistant Professor of Social Work Department


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