Justification of mathematical model for calculating the turnaround run duration for international road transportation performing


  • Сергій Іванович Бондарєв National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 12 str. Heroes Defence, Kyiv, Ukraine




turnaround run, work and rest duration of driver, road transportation logistics, international road transportation, tour time, road transportation


The Basic elements of a mathematical model to determine the turnaround run duration for international road transportation performing are grounded in the article. The main aim of this model is achieving the coordinated operation of road transport and handling equipment for freight transportation at regular international lines and harmonization and optimization of "floating" schedules of transport and handling equipment at a predetermined time interval.

Author Biography

Сергій Іванович Бондарєв, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 12 str. Heroes Defence, Kyiv

associate professor, PhD


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Technical Sciences