Developing concept of anticrisis management of domestic enterprises


  • Володимир Валерійович Ясінський ODO "Pervomaiskdizelmash" Street. Yuri Gagarin, 17, Pervomais'k, Nicholas, 55200, Ukraine



antirecessionary management, bankruptcy, factors, elements, risk, threat, strategy, system


 In the article, going of author is considered near the individual concept of the system of antirecessionary management an enterprise. On the basis of the conducted analysis of essence and features inherent the system, on the whole, and, in particular, the author going is offered to the antirecessionary management near interpretation of concept « antirecessionary management» and  certainly it basic elements. The model of anticrisis operation of business and algorithm of its realization is developed. 

Author Biography

Володимир Валерійович Ясінський, ODO "Pervomaiskdizelmash" Street. Yuri Gagarin, 17, Pervomais'k, Nicholas, 55200

Head of planning and the economic department


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