The role of physical education classes in training of students of economics to professional activities


  • Лариса Александровна Улаева Kharkiv National University of Economics behalf of Seeds Kuznets Lenin ave. 9-A, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166, Ukraine



preparation tools, application skills, student of economics, professional activities


The role of physical education in training of students of economics to professional activities is considered. It is paid attention to the development and improvement of motor skills required to improve performance in the present conditions of labor economics. Complex exercises for prevention of diseases that arise when working in the financial sector are offered. 

Author Biography

Лариса Александровна Улаева, Kharkiv National University of Economics behalf of Seeds Kuznets Lenin ave. 9-A, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166


Department of Physical Education and Sport


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Physical Education and Sport