Radiocapacity of different ecosystem types and principles of their environmental regulation


  • Ирина Валериевна Матвеева Institute for Environmental Security of National Aviation University etc.. Komarova 1, NAU, Kiev, 03058, Ukraine



radiocapacity factor, ecosystems radiocapacity, environmental regulation, species radioresistance


The theory of ecosystems radiocapacity is applied in this article for the determining of environmental regulations on allowable discharges and emissions of radionuclides into environment. A limit of radionuclide biota contamination, which can be the basis for environmental regulation, is set. Heuristicity of the radiocapacity theory application to real ecosystems and ecological regulation of biota is shown.

Author Biography

Ирина Валериевна Матвеева, Institute for Environmental Security of National Aviation University etc.. Komarova 1, NAU, Kiev, 03058

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Department of Ecology


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Technical Sciences