Use of the drug "Avastin" to increase the effectiveness of vaccination and the effect of the drug resistance of chickens


  • Інна Володимирівна Бушуєва Zaporozhye state medical University Ave. Mayakovsky,26, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69035, Ukraine
  • Євгеній Григорович Книш Zaporozhye state medical University Ave. Mayakovsky,26, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69035, Ukraine
  • Олександр Іванович Панасенко Zaporozhye state medical University Ave. Mayakovsky,26, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69035, Ukraine
  • Андрій Володимирович Березовський Sumy National Agrarian University st. Gerasim Kondratyev, 160 m. Sumy, 40021, Ukraine, Ukraine



poultry, agriculture, disease, infection, drug, immune therapy, vaccination, resistance, immunoprophylaxis


Investigated the Association of different infectious agents of viral and bacterial origin, the scheme vaccinations replacements birds conducted serological studies to determine the strength of the immune system of the bird, it is proved that the drug "Avastin increases post-vaccination antiviral immune response and as an immunostimulant may be recommended for the vaccination of poultry against viral diseases.

Author Biographies

Інна Володимирівна Бушуєва, Zaporozhye state medical University Ave. Mayakovsky,26, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69035

Аssociate Professor

Department of clinical pharmacy, pharmacotherapy and management and еconomics of pharmacy faculty of postgraduate education

Євгеній Григорович Книш, Zaporozhye state medical University Ave. Mayakovsky,26, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69035


The Department of management and еconomics of pharmacy, medical and pharmaceutical law

Олександр Іванович Панасенко, Zaporozhye state medical University Ave. Mayakovsky,26, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69035


The Department of inorganic chemistry and toxicology

Андрій Володимирович Березовський, Sumy National Agrarian University st. Gerasim Kondratyev, 160 m. Sumy, 40021, Ukraine

Doctor of Veterinary Science, Professor

Department vetsanekspertizy, microbiology chair and safety and quality of animal products SNAU


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Pharmaceutical Sciences