Structural and semantic principles of text organization in the official business style (on example of statements of claim)


  • Надія Йосипівна Коцюба Lviv Regional Institution of Public Administration Academy of Public Administration office of President of Ukraine st. Sukhomlynsky, 16, m. Lviv-Bryukhovychi, Ukraine, 79491, Ukraine



text, official business text, claim, statement of claim, textual information, structural and semantic principles of text-building


The article is devoted to the structural and semantic organization of texts of the official business style, in particular statements of claim. The main principles of text-building of a statement of claim are analyzed and its necessary parts are determined; types of textual information according to denotative, genre and tonally, evocative and etiquette style functions are characterized; the requirements for composing the text of a statement of claim are defined. The character of indentation from genre canons in composing statements of claim is defined.

Author Biography

Надія Йосипівна Коцюба, Lviv Regional Institution of Public Administration Academy of Public Administration office of President of Ukraine st. Sukhomlynsky, 16, m. Lviv-Bryukhovychi, Ukraine, 79491


Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages


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