Study of resilent-elastic properties of the vascular bed


  • Любов Євгенівна Лаповець Lviv National Medical University Daniel Galician st. Mykolaychuk 9 m. Lviv, Ukraine, 79000, Ukraine
  • Галина Володимирівна Башта Lviv National Medical University Daniel Galician st. Mykolaychuk 9 m. Lviv, Ukraine, 79000, Ukraine
  • Юлія Іванівна Онищук Lviv National Medical University Daniel Galician st. Mykolaychuk 9 m. Lviv, Ukraine, 79000, Ukraine
  • Мар’яна Олександрівна Войтович Lviv National Medical University Daniel Galician st. Mykolaychuk 9 m. Lviv, Ukraine, 79000, Ukraine
  • Юрій Миронович Федевич Lviv National Medical University Daniel Galician st. Mykolaychuk 9 m. Lviv, Ukraine, 79000, Ukraine



blood pressure, hypertension, vascular wall stiffness, pulse wave velocity distribution


These many epidemiological and clinical observations have shown that blood pressure change during life is mainly determined by peripheral resistance, increased to achieve a middle-aged man, and then slightly decreases. Recently there has been increased interest to researchers in studying the relationship between arterial stiffness and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the study of the topic is relevant. 

Author Biographies

Любов Євгенівна Лаповець, Lviv National Medical University Daniel Galician st. Mykolaychuk 9 m. Lviv, Ukraine, 79000

PhD, Professor

Department of Clinical Laboratory Faculty of Continuing Education

Галина Володимирівна Башта, Lviv National Medical University Daniel Galician st. Mykolaychuk 9 m. Lviv, Ukraine, 79000

The candidate of medical sciences, associate professor

Department of Family Medicine Faculty of Continuing Education

Юлія Іванівна Онищук, Lviv National Medical University Daniel Galician st. Mykolaychuk 9 m. Lviv, Ukraine, 79000

PhD, assistant

Department of Family Medicine Faculty of Continuing Education

Мар’яна Олександрівна Войтович, Lviv National Medical University Daniel Galician st. Mykolaychuk 9 m. Lviv, Ukraine, 79000


Department of Family Medicine Faculty of Continuing Education

Юрій Миронович Федевич, Lviv National Medical University Daniel Galician st. Mykolaychuk 9 m. Lviv, Ukraine, 79000

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Biological Chemistry


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