Justification of the choice method of treatment of iatrogenic sinusitis depending on the nature of a foreign body and microbial associations


  • Анатолий Георгиевич Гулюк SI "Institute of Dentistry NAMS of Ukraine", Department of Operative Dentistry st Reshelevskaya 11, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026, Ukraine
  • Сурен Диасович Варжапетян Department of Surgical and therapeutic dentistry Zaporozhye, st. Victory 80, 69005, GU "GKBE and NSR", Ukraine
  • Армен Эдуардович Тащян SI "Institute of Dentistry NAMS of Ukraine", Department of Operative Dentistry st Reshelevskaya 11, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026, Ukraine




chronic sinusitis, foreign body, morphology, contamination, microflora, surgical treatment, iatrogenesis


It is determined the features of the microbial flora, the degree of contamination, as well as changes in the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses, depending on the nature of the foreign body in the lumen of the sinus. Based on the results of microbiological and histological examination of clinical material of maxillary sinuses of 45 patients with chronic maxillary sinusitis is defined scope of therapeutic measures depending on the nature of a foreign body in the lumen of the sinus.

Author Biographies

Анатолий Георгиевич Гулюк, SI "Institute of Dentistry NAMS of Ukraine", Department of Operative Dentistry st Reshelevskaya 11, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026

MD, professor

Head of the Department of Operative Dentistry ONMU (Odessa)

Head of Department of Surgery Institute of Dental Sciences of Ukraine (Odessa)

Сурен Диасович Варжапетян, Department of Surgical and therapeutic dentistry Zaporozhye, st. Victory 80, 69005, GU "GKBE and NSR"

Assistant Department of Surgical and therapeutic dentistry Zaporozhie Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine (Zaporozhye)


Армен Эдуардович Тащян, SI "Institute of Dentistry NAMS of Ukraine", Department of Operative Dentistry st Reshelevskaya 11, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026

Assistant of the Department of Operative Dentistry ONMU (Odessa)



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