Rating of social and economic problems of territorial entities taking into account possibilities of social investment


  • Наталья Юрьевна Голуб Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Derzhavin str. 2, Makyiyvka, Donetsk reg., Ukraine, 86123., Ukraine




rating, social and economic problems, territorial entities, social investment, local self-government


A definition of priority ranking of social and economic problems of territorial entities is investigated in the article. Scientific and methodological approach to rating of social and economic problems of territorial entities which can be solved by using tools of social investment is proposed. Viability of using this approach for territorial entities of different levels of jurisdiction is proved

Author Biography

Наталья Юрьевна Голуб, Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Derzhavin str. 2, Makyiyvka, Donetsk reg., Ukraine, 86123.

PhD in Economics, Associated Professor

Economic Theory and Finance Department


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