The surface temperature changes of the ocean regions and the variations of the atmospheric circulation structure


  • Александр Вадимович Холопцев Sevastopol Maritime Academy,



meridional atmospheric circulation, surface temperature, location of the oceanic region, statistical relationship


The work identifies the location of the regions of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean, in which the changes of the average annual values of their surface temperatures are significantly and consistently statistically related with the frequency of occurrence variations of the atmospheric circulation structures in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, which, according to their classification proposed by B. L. Dzerdievsky, refer to the groups of the north meridional and the south meridional

Author Biography

Александр Вадимович Холопцев, Sevastopol Maritime Academy

Professor, Doctor of Geographical Sciences

member of the Crimean Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences (Committee on Meteorology and Agroclimatology)

Navigation faculty


Scopus profile: link

GoogleScholar profile: link


Professional (scientific) interests: physical geography, climatology


Selected Publications:

1. Kholopcev, A. V., Bol'shih, A. V. (2014). Tendencii izmenenij srednemesjachnyh znachenij poverhnostnyh temperatur atlanticheskogo okeana v nachale HHI veka. Ljudina ta dovkіllja. Problemi neoekologіi,1-2, 62‑69.

2. Kholopcev, A. V., Parubec, O. V. (2014). Prognozirovanie klimaticheskih norm srednegodovyh temperatur prizemnogo sloja atmosfery na Juzhnom beregu Kryma s ispol'zovaniem metoda mnozhestvennoj regressii. Issledovanija v oblasti estestvennyh nauk, 8.

3. Kholopcev, A. V., Bol'shih, A. V. (2014). Mezhgodovye izmenenija sostojanij arkticheskogo i severoatlanticheskogo kolebanij kak faktory variacij oso v zemnoj atmosphere. Vіsnik HNU іmenі V. N. Karazіna, Serіja «Ekologіja», 1104 (10), 46‑54.

4. Kholopcev, A. V., Nikiforova, M. P. (2012). Izmenenija raspredelenija srednegodovyh temperatur poverhnosti Atlanticheskogo okeana pri sovremennom poteplenii klimata. Ljudina ta dovkіllja. Problemi neoekologіi, 3-4, 36‑48.

5. Kholopcev, A. V., Burakova, A. V., Sevrikov, V. V. (2008). O vozmozhnostjah ispol'zovanija metoda trianguljacii Delone pri jekstrapoljacii znachenij srednemesjachnyh temperatur prizemnogo sloja atmosfery nad razlichnymi punktami na territorii Ukrainy. Kul'tura narodov Prichernomor'ja, 155‑159.

6. Kholopcev, A. V., Shilovskaja, Ju. E. (2013). Svjazi prostranstvenno-vremennoj izmenchivosti poverhnostnyh temperatur okeanicheskih akvatorij, a takzhe temperatur vozduha i modulja skorosti vetra v prizemnom sloe atmosfery, nad zonami ih vlijanija. Vіsnik ONU. Ser.: Geografіchnі ta geologіchnі nauki, 18/2(18), 61 72.

7. Kholopcev, A. V.The approximate forecast of winter temperatures in Crimean mountains with accounting the suboptimal set of factors. ScienceRise, . 4/1 (4), 37‑46. doi: 10.15587/2313-8416.2014.28595



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Geographical sciences