Investigation of mobile aggregate self–oscillations on the ground road


  • Муса Исмаил оглы Казымов Azerbaijan State Oil Academy Pr. Azadlig, house 187 sq. 42, Binagadi district. Baku, AZ1130, Azerbaijan



mobile aggregate, road inequalities, self–oscillation, oscillation frequency, contact cylinders


The mobile lifting aggregate for carrying out round-trip operations often passing through earth road performs free oscillations. These oscillations cause formation of washboard road surface. And this damage the sensitivity of mechanisms and equipment set on the aggregate body. Hence, the determination of aggregate self–oscillation is an actual issue. To determine the aggregate self–oscillation frequency the task is reduced to determining contact square of two adjacent cylinders

Author Biography

Муса Исмаил оглы Казымов, Azerbaijan State Oil Academy Pr. Azadlig, house 187 sq. 42, Binagadi district. Baku, AZ1130

Candidate of Technical Sciences
Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mechanics


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Technical Sciences