The use of different methods of augmentation horizontally and vertically on the atrophy of the alveolar bone of the upper and alveolar part of the mandible


  • Анатолий Георгиевич Гулюк SI "Institute of Dentistry NAMS of Ukraine" Odessa, st Reshelevskaya 11, 65026,, Ukraine
  • Сурен Диасович Варжапетян Zaporozhie Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine City Clinical Hospital of Emergency and Ambulance Zaporozhye, st. Victory 80, 69005, GU "GKBE and NSR", Ukraine
  • Владлен Владимирович Лепский SI "Institute of Dentistry National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" st. Reshelevskaya, 11, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026, Ukraine
  • Сергей Анатольевич Гулюк dental clinic «ГАЛСИ» st. Literary, 12, Odessa, Ukraine, 65062, Ukraine
  • Армен Эдуардович Тащян SI "Institute of Dentistry NAMS of Ukraine" st. Reshelevskaya, 11, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026, Ukraine



bone atrophy, dental implantation, bone implantation, bone block, sinus lifting


Introduction. The main problem, which is increasingly faced professionals in planning restoration of the integrity of the dentition with the help of dental implants is not enough bone in the area of the supposed implantation. Given the availability of a variety of techniques osteoplasty alveolar defects and a variety of osteoplastic materials, unambiguous solution to the problem does not exist. Planning method and the osteoplasty graft depends on the exact determination of the degree of bone atrophy, nature and extent of the defect.

This article on clinical examples demonstrates methods of volume restoration bones of the upper and lower jaws using grafts of different origin.

Materials and Methods. In our study we use bone block, taken from the chin of the mandible and the greater wing of the ilium. Also we use bone substitutes, the membranes, the clips (the cortical screw), powder Bio Oss®. For the isolation of the area augmentation applies collagen membrane Bio Gide® (Geistlich Pharma AG, Wolhusen, Switzerland). All surgeries were performed a standard set of surgical instruments and apparatus piezo surgery.

Findings and discussion. Through the use of block the autogenous graft and auxiliary materials was successful augmentation of the alveolar bone of the upper and lower jaws with a strong vertical and horizontal atrophy. It was possible to achieve the goals set in the planning phase of treatment. The increase in the cost of therapy is justified for preserving intact adjacent teeth, optimal recovery of the dentition and high functionality and aesthetics prosthetic. It is achieved one of the main goals of dental rehabilitation - improving the quality of life of patients

Author Biographies

Анатолий Георгиевич Гулюк, SI "Institute of Dentistry NAMS of Ukraine" Odessa, st Reshelevskaya 11, 65026,

MD, professor

Head of the Department of Operative Dentistry ONMU

Сурен Диасович Варжапетян, Zaporozhie Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine City Clinical Hospital of Emergency and Ambulance Zaporozhye, st. Victory 80, 69005, GU "GKBE and NSR"

Assistant, PhD

Department of Surgical and therapeutic dentistry

Владлен Владимирович Лепский, SI "Institute of Dentistry National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" st. Reshelevskaya, 11, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026

PhD of medical science

Сергей Анатольевич Гулюк, dental clinic «ГАЛСИ» st. Literary, 12, Odessa, Ukraine, 65062

stomatologist, director

Армен Эдуардович Тащян, SI "Institute of Dentistry NAMS of Ukraine" st. Reshelevskaya, 11, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026

PhD of medical science, assistant

Department of Operative Dentistry ONMU (Odessa)


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