Innovative risks of the venture financing and perfection of their management system


  • Олена Миколаївна Шевченко Yurii Kondratyuk Poltava National Technical University, Ukraine Pershotravneva Ave 24, Poltava, Ukraine, 36011, Ukraine



innovative activity, innovative risk of the venture financing, innovative risk management system


The analysis of scientific looks is carried out concerning essence of innovative risk venture financing, economic essence of this category is specified. The external and internal factors of influence on the degree of innovative risks of the venture financing are found out. Improved control system by innovative risks venture financing is offered, with determination of composition of basic elements. It is grounded, that to this system are inherent the next system properties: unity, integrity, purposefulness, synergism

Author Biography

Олена Миколаївна Шевченко, Yurii Kondratyuk Poltava National Technical University, Ukraine Pershotravneva Ave 24, Poltava, Ukraine, 36011

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assоciate Professor

Department of еconomic theory is the regional economy


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