Theoretical regulations of essence and content of legal protection of academic staff intellectual property in postgraduate prdagogical education


  • Олександр Васильович Ісаєнко "University of Educational Management" NAPS of Ukraine 52-A, Artemа st., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03053, Ukraine



academic staff, educators, legal protection, intellectual property, intellectual activity, efficiency of legal protection


The article deals with the current state of the essence of legal protection of intellectual property of academic staff, which has a real reflection of the significant increase in the number of publications on the subject; the urgency of improving as intellectual property protection and legal protection; the theoretical and practical aspects into the issue with a view of improving the management of legal protection of intellectual property rights of academic staff etc

Author Biography

Олександр Васильович Ісаєнко, "University of Educational Management" NAPS of Ukraine 52-A, Artemа st., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03053

The research assistant

Department of Economics and Management Resources


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