Methodological foundations of determining the competitiveness of human resources


  • Ольга Степанівна Пляшко Rivne State Humanitarian University Tolstogo 3, Rivne, Ukraine, 33028, Ukraine



human resources, competitiveness, methods of determining the competitiveness, integral index, competitiveness evaluation


This article deals with the essence of competitiveness of human resources. It is proposed the method of competitiveness evaluation by calculating the integral index. Its component structure is defined as a set of characteristics describing potentials of human resources, it is identified the competitive advantages and social and economic result. This method was tested on the example of human resource Ukrainian regions

Author Biography

Ольга Степанівна Пляшко, Rivne State Humanitarian University Tolstogo 3, Rivne, Ukraine, 33028


Department of Economic Cybernetics 


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