Positive experience of application of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate for patients with a sharp and chronic cerebral ischemia of brain


  • Игорь Васильевич Юров Center of primary medico - sanitary help №4 Nakhimova av., 35, Mariupol, Ukraine, 87517, Ukraine




heterogeneous ischemic stroke, chronic ischemic disturbances of brain circulation, Mexiprim, neurological deficits


Cerebrovascular diseases are the major factor of medical and social problems of contemporaneity. During our work we estimated efficiency of application of Mexiprim regressed neurological deficit, mortality; improved performance outcomes of stroke (Barthel ADL index, mRS) and cognitive and memory functions of the central nervous system in patients with chronic ischemic disturbances of brain circulation.

Methods. To solve the problem from 1 February 2014 to 1 February 2015 we surveyed 35 (n1) of patients after stroke heterogeneous and 65 (n2) patients with and chronic ischemic disturbances of brain circulation. The control group consisted of 27 patients (n1) with ischemic stroke and 58 patients (n2) with chronic ischemic. All the patients we conducted clinical neurological, neuropsychological examination.

Results. During the initial inspection and continuous dynamic monitoring of patients with ischemic stroke, we obtained the following results. The minimum amount of points (7) NIHSS score was in the main group of patients after 24 and 72 hours of 12 and 17 patients, respectively, and in the control group, the minimum score was observed at 6 and 10 patients, respectively. Barthel index of activity in the 21 days of treatment in the study group was 85 + 5, in the control 65+5 (p <0.01). When analyzing the performance of the modified Rankin scale score of 1 point in the main observation group scored 17 patients in the control group - 8 patients; 4 points - 0 and 2 patients, respectively. In assessing cognitive function using the scale brief study of the psychological status (MMSE) 21 days from the start of dosing patients Mexiprim indicators improved significantly: points on a scale MMSE 28+0.5 (p<0.01), during the test hours total point reached 10 (p <0.01).

Conclusions. Application Mexiprim a complex scheme of assignments to reduce neurological deficits, mortality, improve the performance outcomes of stroke (Barthel ADL index, mRS) and cognitive and memory functions of the central nervous system in patients with chronic ischemic, that allows us to recommend use of the drug in the complex therapy of patients with heterogeneous ischemic stroke and chronic ischemic disturbances of brain circulation

Author Biography

Игорь Васильевич Юров, Center of primary medico - sanitary help №4 Nakhimova av., 35, Mariupol, Ukraine, 87517

Сandidate of medical sciences



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