The features of endometrium receptor apparatus in women with missed abortion


  • Александра Николаевна Тищенко Kharkiv national medical university Lenin avenu, 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022, Ukraine
  • Ольга Валентиновна Юркова Kharkiv national medical university Lenin avenu, 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022, Ukraine
  • Виктория Валентиновна Лазуренко Kharkiv national medical university Lenin avenu, 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022MD, professor, Ukraine



missed abortion, endometrium receptor apparatus, endometrial protein


A new complex of modern methods of investigation, both the endometrium and immune system changes in local and hormonal status is developed in this article, rehabilitation of reproductive function in patients with the missed abortion is proposed.

Methods. The study involved 124 women, including 64 women with diagnosed missed abortion. The comparison group included 30 women with physiological pregnancy who were performed artificial abortion. 30 healthy women in pregravidae period were examined. The clinical and anamnestic, histological and immunological features of the endometrium and its functional activity were investigated.

Results. Pathogenetic mechanisms of menstrual dysfunction were defined in women with the missed abortion. The changes in the secretory transformation of the endometrium, a sharp decrease in its receptor and functional activity, confirming the lack of development of the luteal phase are observed. Based on the research, an algorithm for the restoration of menstrual function in women in the postgravidae period is developed and implemented in practice.

Conclusions. The data confirmed the feasibility of implementing the proposed examination and treatment of women with the missed abortion

Author Biographies

Александра Николаевна Тищенко, Kharkiv national medical university Lenin avenu, 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022

assistant, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Department of normal phisiology

Ольга Валентиновна Юркова, Kharkiv national medical university Lenin avenu, 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022

Assistant, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Department of obstetric and gynecology N 1

Виктория Валентиновна Лазуренко, Kharkiv national medical university Lenin avenu, 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022MD, professor

MD, professor

Department of obstetric and gynecology N 1


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