Changes in theological academies of russian empire during realization of reforms of alexander іі in 50-60 years of хіх century


  • Алла Анатоліївна Вініченко The University of Educational Management (UEM) Artеma 52 a, Kiev, Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine



reform, theological academy, pedagogical training, ober-procurator, bishop, chancellor, privat-docent, professor, scientifically-theological attestation


Position of higher theological education in the Russian empire in the second half of ХІХ of century is analyzed in the article. On the basis of the archived materials character of activity of theological academies of the state is analyzed within the framework of the entered Charter in 1869. Attention is accented on the range of problems of preparation of reformation of theological academies in accordance with the requirements of time, on changes in a management of academies and reformation of scientifically-pedagogical constituent

Author Biography

Алла Анатоліївна Вініченко, The University of Educational Management (UEM) Artеma 52 a, Kiev, Ukraine, 04053

PhD of historical sciences


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Pedagogical Education