Basic principles of intensive care for patients with polytrauma at an early stage. Ways to optimize


  • Сергій Олександрович Дубров National Medical University 13, Shevchenko Blvd., Kiev, Ukraine, 01601, Ukraine



polytrauma, road traffic injuries, emergency trauma care, trauma center, optimization of care for patients with polytrauma


Treatment of patients with polytrauma is complex and still unsolved problem. The mortality in polytrauma in both developing and developed countries, in spite of the progress of medical science is still at a high level, but its outcome is largely dependent on the timeliness and adequacy of treatment and preventive measures.

The aim of this study was to analyze the state of systems and emergency medical care to patients with polytrauma in developed countries and the possibility of implementation of the protocols in the Ukraine.

Results. The basic principles of the organization of emergency for patients with polytrauma in the prehospital and early hospital stage are considered, key areas of intensive care of these patients at an early stage of specialized care are analyzed. Shortcomings of emergency medical care for patients with polytrauma in hospitals of Ukraine and ways of their correction and reform are shown that can improve the quality of care for patients with polytrauma and increase the survival rate of these patients.

Conclusions. Organization of EMC for patients with severe trauma should be based on three main principles:

1. The minimum amount of time from the time of trauma to the necessary delivery of emergency medical care in the prehospital phase.

2. Creation of specialized trauma centers to provide timely specialized and skilled care for patients with severe trauma at the hospital stage.

3. Ensuring continuity of pre-hospital and hospital stages of EMC and in specialized centers

Author Biography

Сергій Олександрович Дубров, National Medical University 13, Shevchenko Blvd., Kiev, Ukraine, 01601

MD, Professor

Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care


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