Peculiarities of officers-educators’ psychological and pedagogical training in the system of postgraduate education


  • Ярослава Леонидовна Катюк State university «University Education Management» Artema 52-A, Kiiv, Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine



officers-educators, professional development, psychological and pedagogical training, postgraduate education


The article is dedicated to the problems of psychological and pedagogical training of officers-educators of lyceums with intensive military training in the theory and practice of postgraduate education. In particular the requirements for officer-educator’s post are enlightened; the content of his professional activities is analyzed; the essence of concept of officer-educator’ psychological and pedagogical competence is exposed; the content of officers-educators’ psychological and pedagogical training during the advanced training courses is described

Author Biography

Ярослава Леонидовна Катюк, State university «University Education Management» Artema 52-A, Kiiv, Ukraine, 04053

Candidate of psychological sciences

Department of Philosophy and Education Adults


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Pedagogical Education