Features of leasing operations mechanism


  • Віта Миколаївна Гаврилюк Podilsky State Agricultural and Technical University Shevchenka, 13, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine, 32300, Ukraine




leasing, leasing operations mechanism, leasing object, leasing subject, leasing tools


Thearticleclarifiesunderstandingoftheleasingoperationsmechanism. Theobjectandthesubjectofamechanismisdefined, aim of the mechanism is formulated. Features of the subject and the object of leasing are explained. Aims and objectives of leasing operations are developed. The necessity of regulation of the leasing process is proven. The role of elements providing leasing transactions is determined. Leasing implementation instruments are proposed. The principles, procedures, methods and levers of leasing transactions are established

Author Biography

Віта Миколаївна Гаврилюк, Podilsky State Agricultural and Technical University Shevchenka, 13, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine, 32300


Department of Finance and Credit


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