Formation of the economic security system of the city


  • Андрей Васильевич Плужник Department of Economic Theory and Regional Economics Poltava National Technical University, Pershotravnevy str., 24, Poltava, Ukraine, 36011, Ukraine



economic security, city, system of economic security, technological approach, information flows


The article is devoted to research of theoretical aspects of the economic security. In this article the economic security is observed at the level of the city. Model of the economic security of the city is presented. It is defined the connection of system of economic security of the city with its external and internal environment. Also information flows is considered in the system of economic security of the city. The use of technological approach in economic security of the city is presented

Author Biography

Андрей Васильевич Плужник, Department of Economic Theory and Regional Economics Poltava National Technical University, Pershotravnevy str., 24, Poltava, Ukraine, 36011



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