Infection complications of the surgical area and comparative characteristics of sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics of reserve in surgical departments


  • Виктория Владимировна Поточилова KZ KOR "KOКL"Kievska regional clinical hospital str. Baggovutovska, 1, Kiev, Ukraine, 04107, Ukraine
  • Вікторія Володимирівна Поточилова KZ KOR "KOКL" Kiev regional clinical hospital str. Baggovutivska, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04107, Ukraine



Complicated intraabdominal infections, antibiotics of reserve, wound surface, purulent infections, sensitivity.


Aim. To define the character of microbial contamination of the complicated intraabdominal and traumatological wound surfaces, to define the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics of reserve for detecting antibiotics of reserve in surgical and traumatological departments for rational and antibacterial therapy.

Method. In surgical, traumatological and intensive care departments during the period 2013-2014 years were examined 296 patients. Among them106 patients from resuscitation, 116 patients from the general surgery department, 74 patients with traumatological pathology. Quantitative and qualitative detection of microorganisms was carried out by inoculation of material on differential-diagnostic nutrients mediums (agars).

Sensitivity test was carried out with pure microorganism culture that was separated before on the dense nutrient medium.

Results. The results of research were interpreted according to decree of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine № 167 05.04.2007. According to the results of research 106 patients get help in intensive care department, 116 patients in abdominal surgery department, 74 patients in traumatological one.

In patients from intensive care department the sensitivity of microorganisms to reserve antimicrobial preparations was kept only for meropemen and tygecycline. In reserve antimicrobial preparations 100% sensitivity was observed only in tygecycline and meropenem relative to E. coli. All other microorganisms except E. coli, demonstrated the strict tendency to increase of % of stability.

The most of 116 patients from surgical department with infections of surgical area (ISA) had pancreatonecroses - 28 (32,7 %) patients.

The sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial preparations in patients who underwent treatment in surgical department with infection of surgical area demonstrated that only meropenem relative to Ps. Aeruginosa can be an agent of choice. Ps. aeruginosa has sensitivity to meropenem in 100% cases.

The patients of traumatological department with purulent wound complications are 25 % of all hospital patients with complications in surgical area.

The most patients had complicated fractures - 22 patients (29,7 %). 100 % sensitivity was detected to tygecycline in Enterobacter aerogenes.

Conclusions. At analysis of data of sensitivity spectrum of antimicrobial preparations in gram-positive and gram-negative flora in departments it was detected the high sensitivity of enterobacteriums to almost all studied groups of preparations.

Author Biographies

Виктория Владимировна Поточилова, KZ KOR "KOКL"Kievska regional clinical hospital str. Baggovutovska, 1, Kiev, Ukraine, 04107


Вікторія Володимирівна Поточилова, KZ KOR "KOКL" Kiev regional clinical hospital str. Baggovutivska, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04107

Chief non-staff anesthesiologist, Department of health of the Kyiv regional state administration, head of the intensive care unit.


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