Formalized pathogenetic model of diagnostics of dysregulation states for transport operators
transport operators, drivers, dysregulation states, classification, model of distinction, discriminant analysisAbstract
Our previous researches have showed that the dysregulation state develops for drivers of motor transport after 10 years of work. We actualized the classification of these states and distinguished 6 classes of dysregulation defects with the aid of the cluster analysis
Aim. The formation and verification of precision of discrimination of mathematical model of the dysregulation states for drivers of motor transport
Methods. The elaboration of mathematical model is realized by means of the usage of the discriminant analysis that makes it possible to recognize the subjects of a research with the previously known classification. The research showed that the procedure of the class discrimination of the dysregulation states for drivers of motor transport can be actualized by using the mathematical model that consists of 6 - linear discriminant functions and that includes 6 indices of the research: Uric acid in a blood serum, Uric acid in urine, Catecholamine, Index of Tension, VLF and LF.
Results. The discriminant model based on the training sample includes 6 indices of the research, the classification matrix showed a good precision of the class discrimination of dysregulation states for drivers of motor transport. Thus, the 1st class recognized into 70.9 %, 2nd class – into 98.0 %, 3rd class – into 88.6 %, the 4th class – into 75.7 %, the 5th class – into 100.0% and the 6th class – in 100.0 % cases. There was only 1st class of dysregulation states distinguished worst of all by discriminant model
Conclusions. Generally, the level of distinction of 6 classes of dysregulation states for drivers of motor transport by this discriminant model constituted 89.3 % coincidences that let to recommend it for implantation at work of transport enterprises
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Copyright (c) 2015 Оксана Викторовна Горша, Леся Игоревна Щулипенко, Василий Иванович Горша

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