The hydrocarbon deposit recovery and detection of liquidated wells with the missing productive horizons (on example of west oil-gas-bearing region)


  • Юрій Зиновійович Крупський Ivan Franko National Lviv University 4 Hrushevs’kogo str., Lviv, Ukrainе ,79005, Ukraine
  • Валентина Петрівна Марусяк Ivan Franko National Lviv University 4 Hrushevs’kogo str., Lviv, Ukrainе, 79005, Ukraine



hydrocarbon deposits, deposit recovering, West oil-gas bearing region, hydrocarbons origin, liquidated wells


Genetic analysis of hydrocarbon deposit suggests the possibility of their recovering that have been examined. That process was taken many years ago. Deposit recovery is formed as a result of flatulence and may occur in two ways: directly from the organic phase and by the inorganic way from the mantle rocks. To improve performance it is recommended using the special gas-geochemical method on the base before start of the drilling and near inflow of the liquidated wells

Author Biographies

Юрій Зиновійович Крупський, Ivan Franko National Lviv University 4 Hrushevs’kogo str., Lviv, Ukrainе ,79005

Candidate of geology science, professor

Department ecological and engineering geology and hydrogeology

Валентина Петрівна Марусяк, Ivan Franko National Lviv University 4 Hrushevs’kogo str., Lviv, Ukrainе, 79005

Assistant professor

Department of ecological and engineering geology and hydrogeology


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Geological and geographical sciences