Research of coherence and consistency in the application of regulatory methods in the agrarian sector of Ukraine


  • Тетяна Анатоліївна Кулаковська Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Kanatnaya st., 112, Odessa, Ukraine, 65039, Ukraine



, regulatory measures, fiscal transfers, direct payments, market price support, subsidies


In the article it is investigated the effectiveness of the instruments of regulatory impact on the development of agricultural sector on its main components: agricultural production, agricultural infrastructure and consumers for the period 1995–2012. Periods of increased (reduced) state influence on the development of the agricultural sector are defined. The link between regulatory measures and results of operation of agricultural sector with a significant time lag is established

Author Biography

Тетяна Анатоліївна Кулаковська, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Kanatnaya st., 112, Odessa, Ukraine, 65039

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Economics


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