Journal-order form of accounting


  • Петро Леонідович Сук National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, economic faculty 11 Heroiv Oborony str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03041, Ukraine
  • Омран Ахмад Мохаммад Аль-Іббіні AL-Zaytoonah University of Jordan 130 P. O. Box str., Amman, Jordan, 11733, Jordan



journal order, form of accounting, synthetic and analytical accounting, records, source documents, accounting registers


Form of accounting is a set of interconnected registers in which information is organized, summarized, accumulated, stored and provided to users for decision making.

Forms of accounting have been developed in accordance with economic conditions.

Journal-order form of accounting can be used in modern conditions, in automation of accounting, is a source of information for users of financial and management accounting

Author Biographies

Петро Леонідович Сук, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, economic faculty 11 Heroiv Oborony str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03041

Professor, doctor of economic sciences

Department of accounting and audit

Омран Ахмад Мохаммад Аль-Іббіні, AL-Zaytoonah University of Jordan 130 P. O. Box str., Amman, Jordan, 11733

Assistant professor, candidate of economic sciences

Аccounting department


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