Integral haematological indexes as predictors of antibacterial therapy usage advisability in patients with acute respiratory infections




acute respiratory infections, integral hematological indexes, community-acquired pneumonia, antibacterial therapy


There was considered a possibility to use IHI as predicators of bacterial factor presence and necessity to prescribe an antibacterial therapy.

Aim of research – to optimize the treatment of patients with ARI on the base of IHI calculation.

Methods. There were examined 163 patients with ARI. 97 (59,5 %) men, 66 (40,7 %) women. An uncomplicated clinical course of ARI was observed in 116 patients in 47 ones it was complicated with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). IHI were detected in all patients it were calculated using mathematical formulas.

Results. There was detected that the more essential changes of IHI were observed at ARI complicated with CAP. An increase of complications coefficient (CC) was observed reliably more often (р<0,01).

Conclusions. 1. IHI in patients with ARI differ from indexes in healthy persons it represent the presence and intensity of intoxication. The more intense changes are observed at complicated clinical course.

2. CC is the most informative as predicator of bacterial complications and it allows recommend to take this index into account at resolving a question about necessity of antibacterial therapy in patients with ARI

Author Biography

Олена Іванівна Могиленець, Kharkiv national medical university 4 Lenina ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022

Candidate of medical sciences, Associate professor

The department of infectious diseases 


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Medical Science. Part 1