Morphological and taxonomic research of salvia genus by vegetative characteristics


  • Олег Миколайович Кошовий The National University of Pharmacy 53 Pushkinskaya str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine



Salvia, genus, vegetative characteristics, morphology, taxonomy, graph analysis, dendrogram, hierarchical series


Introduction. Salvia L.genus has more than 700 species in World flora; 78 species grow on the CIS territory; in Ukrainian flora the genus is represented by 21 species. All species of this genus are aromatic. Nothing but clary sage and common sage is widely used and thoroughly studied.

Aim of research. The aim of research was to identify promising species of Salvia L. genus in Ukrainian flora by the method of morphological and taxonomic analysis for pharmaceutical and medical applying.

Materials and methods. To indentify promising for pharmaceutical and medical branches species, which are represented in Ukrainian flora, morphological and taxonomic research of Salvia L. genus vegetative characteristics was carried out. The mathematical approach (graph analysis method) underlies the method used in research. Morphological characteristics of 78 Salvia species, represented in the former Soviet Union’s flora, were used for systematic data processing of Salvia morphological structure. 615 morphological and taxonomic characteristics for 78 Salvia L. species were put in the original table matrix. 48585 positive and negative statuses of taxonomic characteristics were analyzed.

Results. Factors of paired and grouped kinship were calculated. Taking into account the most kinship between species, the dendrogram describing by vegetative characteristics taxonomic distances between the species of genus was built; and hierarchical Salvia series of general morphological features based on S. adenostachya, S. Demetrii, S. Forskaehlei and S. scabiosifolia, which characterizes the genus evolutional development, was built for the first time.

The core taxons group (S. scabiosifolia, S. adenostachya Juz., S. Demetrii, S. horminum, S. viridis L.L., S. intercedens Pobed., S. ceratophylla L., S. semilanata, S. pratensis L., S. dumetorum Andrz., S. pachystachya, S. glutinosa, S. Forskaehlei) was detected on the basis of morphological and taxonomic research. Its characteristic generalizes morphological structure of Salvia L. genus.

Conclusion. Morphological and taxonomic analysis of Salvia L. genus by vegetative features displays that the genus is divided into five basic branches, including located in branches 1,8-cineole, based on S. pratensis, S. scabiosifolia, S. karabachensis and S. virgata, which create conditions for the further targeted search of cineole-rich material among these groups of taxons

Author Biography

Олег Миколайович Кошовий, The National University of Pharmacy 53 Pushkinskaya str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of science in pharmacy, associate professor, head of department

Pharmacognosy Department


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Pharmaceutical Sciences