Phenotypical manifestations of biological diversity of escherichia coli clinical isolates
Escherichia coli, biological properties, biotope, hemolytic activity, antibiotics, antibiotic resistance, β-lactamasesAbstract
Aim. The study biological properties of E. coli clinical isolates and ascertainment the prevalence of clinically important polyresistant strains among them.
Methods. There were studied morphological, cultural, biochemical properties and also several factors of aggression (hemolytic activity, antibiotic resistance) of 667 E. Сoli clinical strains extracted from the different biotypes.
Result. There was established that isolates of colon bacillus with hemolytic phenotype took place in all analyzed groups, the frequency of detection depended on pyoinflammatory process. There was established high sensitivity of Escherichia hemolytic strains to imipenem, gatifloxacin and amikacin that prove its practical importance as reserve preparations for treatment Escherichia infections caused with polyresistant strains. There was detected an increase of resistance to fluorquinolones and circulation of the great amount of strains moderately resistant to derivative nitrofurans and nitroxolinums that play a leading role in schemes of long empirical therapy of patients with chronic pyelonephritis.
Conclusions. An associated hemolytic activity and antibiotic resistance in bio-profile of specific microorganism give it bio-aggression and make it potentially able to overcome the owner’s system of immune protection and to cause an abenteric infection. The high prevalence of antibiotic resistance among extracted isolates – representatives of the normal microflora – makes it a potential source of the spread of resistant determinants among population of its own and allied species of bacteria of different taxonomic groups. It is reasonable to carry out periodic monitoring in medical institutions for timely improvement of schemes of empirical therapy of infection of Escherichia etiology
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