The definition of indices for bed stock optimization in medical institutions of hospital district


  • Валентин Дмитрович Парій Bogomolets National Medical University 13 Shevchenko bul., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601, Ukraine
  • Сергій Миколайович Грищук Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University 40 Most Berdichevskaya str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10008 Zhytomyr Institute of Nursing 46/15 Most Berdichevskaya str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10002, Ukraine
  • Василь Миколайович Борис Novograd-Volynsky Territorial Medical Association 13 Medvedev str., Novograd-Volynsky, Ukraine, 11700, Ukraine



bed stock, stationary care, hospital district, hospitalization reasonableness, treatment duration


Introduction: Reformation of health protection sphere in Ukraine is impossible without optimization of stationary care with rational and open approach to estimation of the necessary bed stock what is particularly actually at hospital districts creation.

Aim: to define factors of ungrounded hospitalization and possible decrease of treatment duration of patients who underwent stationary care in relevant departments.

Methods: In research there were used 615 medical records of stationary patients (form 003/о) from Zhitomir region who finished their treatment in 2013. Medical documentation was selected by the way of total sample. At the first stage there was assessed the reasonableness of hospitalization in points from 0 (absolutely absent) to 5 (absolutely present). At the second one there was carried out retrospective analysis of patients medical records on optimal treatment duration by an expert assessment of medical records of patients whose hospitalization was grounded. Among 615 medical records that were used at the previous stage 399 were selected. On every medical record expert defined the number of days of the possible decrease of the hospital stay duration without an effect on patient’s state and final result of treatment.

Results: On the results of first stage there were established that the mean index of ungrounded hospitalization was 35,1±1,9 %. On the results of second stage of research there were established that the mean duration of round-the-clock hospital departments stay was 8,25±0,98 days and was revealed a possibility to decrease this index by 0,70±0,02 bed-days.

Conclusions: At hospital districts creation it is necessary to define indices of treatment duration and hospitalization reasonableness for patients in health protection institutions that are planned to be included to the one hospital district and to take it into account at calculation of profiles and number of beds


Author Biographies

Валентин Дмитрович Парій, Bogomolets National Medical University 13 Shevchenko bul., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Doctor medical sciences, professor, head of department

Department of management of health

Сергій Миколайович Грищук, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University 40 Most Berdichevskaya str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10008 Zhytomyr Institute of Nursing 46/15 Most Berdichevskaya str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10002

Candidate of medical sciences, senior lecturer

Department of medical and biological basics of physical training and sports

Candidate of medical sciences, senior lecturer

Department of Nursing

Василь Миколайович Борис, Novograd-Volynsky Territorial Medical Association 13 Medvedev str., Novograd-Volynsky, Ukraine, 11700

Chief physician


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Medical Science. Part 2