Clinical aspects of chronic gastritis in patients with concomitant arterial hypertension


  • Мар'яна Миколаївна Курбан Lviv national medical university n.a. Danulo Halytskuy 69 Pekarska str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79010, Ukraine
  • Роман Ярославович Дутка Lviv national medical university n.a. Danulo Halytskuy 69 Pekarska str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79010, Ukraine
  • Зоряна Романівна Леонт’єва Lviv national medical university n.a. Danulo Halytskuy 69 Pekarska str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79010, Ukraine



chronic gastritis, arterial hypertension, comorbidity, asthenoneurotic, pain, dyspeptic, syndrome, symptom complex, combined pathology, Helicobacterpylori


Aim: The work deals with special features of chronic gastritis clinical course with comorbid arterial hypertension.

Methods: 96 patients underwent complex examination: 62 patients with combined clinical course of arterial hypertension and chronic gastritis and 34 ones with isolated chronic gastritis. All patients underwent clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination.

Result: At analysis of results it was established that in the 1 group of patients took place the more heavy clinical course and the main complaints were presented as pain syndrome (of an acute, nagging character especially in epigastric zone or without strict localization that took place after ingestion), dyspeptic syndrome (with predominant meteorism, spreading feeling in epigastrium and eructation) and asthenoneurotic syndrome (with sleep disorders, general weakness and work disability) as opposed to patients of the 11 group whose pain syndrome was predominantly stable or periodic of an acute character in epigastric zone. Among complaints that are specific for dyspeptic syndrome prevailed eructation, spreading feeling in epigastrium and nausea. At the same time the chronic gastritis duration and pain syndrome intensity correlated with helicobacterial infection and comorbidity.

Conclusions: Combined pathology is characterized with more intense clinical symptomatology as a direct consequence of mutual influence of diseases. The researches aimed at the study of clinical features of comorbid states allow the grounded approach to its therapy with special attention to all aspects of interaction

Author Biographies

Мар'яна Миколаївна Курбан, Lviv national medical university n.a. Danulo Halytskuy 69 Pekarska str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79010


Department of Propedeutic of internal disease № 1

Роман Ярославович Дутка, Lviv national medical university n.a. Danulo Halytskuy 69 Pekarska str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79010

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Head of Department

Department of Propedeutic of internal disease № 1 

Зоряна Романівна Леонт’єва, Lviv national medical university n.a. Danulo Halytskuy 69 Pekarska str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79010

Candidate of Medical sciences, Assistant

Department of physical education and sports medicine № 1


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Medical Science. Part 2