Special features of sleep disorders and depressive disturbances in patients with isolated gastroesophageal reflux disease and in conjunction with coronary artery disease
gastroesophageal reflux disease, coronary artery disease, comorbidity, sleep disorders, depressionAbstract
Aim – to study the special features of sleep disorders and depression intensity in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and GERD in conjunction with coronary artery disease (CAD) by the method of questionnaire and to compare results with clinical and functional manifestations of comorbidity.
Methods. There were examined 65 patients with GERD and CAD (group 1) and 29 patients with GERD (group 2). Sleep disorders and depression were studied using questionnaires: subjective sleep characteristics (SSC), (Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS),Beck scale for depression (BSD).
Results. Sleep disorders took place in 41 (61,54 %) patients from group 1 and 13 (44,83 %) patients from group 2. The mean point of SSC was 17,75±1,98 in group 1 opposite to18,59±1,12 in group 2 (p= 0,043). The mean point of ESS was 9,75±1,59 in group 1opposite to 9,24±1,18 in group 2, p=0,103. The mean point of BDS was 11,89±4,38 in group 1opposite to 8,86±1,30 in group 2, p= 0,004. In the group 1 it was established a correlation between SSC and patient’s age (r=- 0320; p=0,0075), BSD and age (r=0,371; p=0,0024), ESS and body mass index(r=0,291; p=0,0188). There were established correlations between duration of CAD and SSC (r=-0,315; p=0,011), CAD and ESS (r=0,273; p=0,0280), CAD and BSD (r=0,379; p=0,0018), GERD heaviness and SSC (p=0,0498), BSD and SSC (r= - 0,676; p=0,000) and between BSD and ESS (r=0,583; p=0,000) in group 1. In group 2 ESS correlated with age (r=0,379; p=0,0426).
Conclusions. The conjunction of GERD and CAD can be considered as two mutually potential pathological processes that have a negative effect on such indicators as sleep and psycho-emotional status of patient
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