The ways of improvement of radiotherapy effectiveness of patients with locally advanced cervical cancinoma


  • Лідія Михайлівна Барановська National Cancer Institute 33/43 Lomonosova str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03022, Ukraine



cervical carcinoma, combined radiotherapy, conformal radiotherapy, brachytherapy, radiomodifier


Aim of the work – to improve an effectiveness of combined radiotherapy (CRT) of patients with locally advanced form of cervical carcinoma (CC) using conformal radiotherapy (RT) and high-energy (HE) brachytherapy (BT) on the background of chemoradiomodifying preparations (tegafur, ciplastin).  

Methods. 101 patients with CC of 11–111 stage of tumor process underwent CRT. Patients were separated in 2 main (33 and 34 patients) and control (34 patients) groups depending on CRT methodology. In the main groups patients underwent conformal RT and HE BT in the first main group they took tegafur (800 mg per day per os) and ciplastin (50 mg 1 time a week, in sum 300 mg drip-feed). In the control group 34 patients underwent conventional remote RT and BT by the sources of mean radiation dose (MRD) activity.

Results. In patients of the main groups was detected an increase of regression of cervical tumors: the complete regression (CR) was registered in 10 (30,3 %) patients from the 1-st main group, in 7 (20,6 %) patients from the 2 main group and in 5 (14,7 %) patients of the control group. The partial regression (PR) of tumor – in 20 (60,6 %) patients of the 1-st main group, in 18 (52,9 %) patients of the 2 main group and in 15 (44,1 %) patients of the control group.

Conclusion. The use of cytostatic preparations (tegafur, ciplastin) as radiomodifiers during CRT course in patients of the main groups reliably increase the degree of cervical carcinoma regression comparing with the standard methodology of CRT, it does not cause an increase of frequency and manifestations of the general and local toxicity of treatment

Author Biography

Лідія Михайлівна Барановська, National Cancer Institute 33/43 Lomonosova str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03022

Senior Research Associate, Candidate of Medical Science

Department for Radiooncology


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