Ways of improving the mechanisms of diplomatic work to ensure the humanitarian needs of the Ukrainian diaspora abroad


  • Дар'я Володимирівна Петрашенко National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine 20 Ezhena Pottier str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03057, Ukraine




humanitarian policy, public policy, diplomacy, Ukrainian diaspora, diplomatic mission of Ukraine


In the article the mechanisms to enhance humanitarian cooperation, and in fact the format and types of the required forms of cooperation as a separate direction in meaningful humanitarian and cultural activities of Ukrainian embassies abroad are reviewed. The conclusions drawn from this analysis, would enhance the international component of the state policy of Ukraine, and would allow Ukrainians to feel a part of the community, and that will increase the sense of identity of the Ukrainian people

Author Biography

Дар'я Володимирівна Петрашенко, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine 20 Ezhena Pottier str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03057

Postgraduate student

Department of philosophy, theory and history of public administration


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Public administration