Induced gynogenesis of sturgeon with expertise of offspring origin by microsatellite DNA markers


  • Ольга Олексіївна Малишева Ukrainian laboratory of quality and safety of agricultural products 7 Mashinostroiteley str., Shepherds, Kiev Svyatoshinsky district, Kiev region., Ukraine, 08162, Ukraine
  • Владислав Геннадійович Спиридонов Ukrainian laboratory of quality and safety of agricultural products 7 Mashinostroiteley str., Shepherds, Kiev Svyatoshinsky district, Kiev region.,, Ukraine
  • Христина Миколаївна Курта National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine 15 Heroes of Defense str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03041, Ukraine



induced gynogenesis, sterlet, bester, microsatellite DNA markers locus, allele, genotype


The approach for the application of the gynogenesis induction method of sturgeon based on physical methods to influence the sexual products was considered. As a result of this work, the optimal exposure settings of the bester sperm by ultraviolet rays and gynogenesis induction of the sterlet by the thermal shock were defined. The origin of the obtained gynogenetic offspring was proved by the expertise of microsatellite DNA markers

Author Biographies

Ольга Олексіївна Малишева, Ukrainian laboratory of quality and safety of agricultural products 7 Mashinostroiteley str., Shepherds, Kiev Svyatoshinsky district, Kiev region., Ukraine, 08162

researcher of molecular diagnostic tests

Владислав Геннадійович Спиридонов, Ukrainian laboratory of quality and safety of agricultural products 7 Mashinostroiteley str., Shepherds, Kiev Svyatoshinsky district, Kiev region.,

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Head of the department of molecular diagnostic tests

Христина Миколаївна Курта, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine 15 Heroes of Defense str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03041

Postgraduate student

Department of breeding, breeding and animal reproductive biotechnologies


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