Formation of scientific-methodical approach to determine the possibility of formation and realization of the intellectual potential of society


  • Анна Викторовна Корнева Donbas National Academy of Engineering and Architecture 2 Derzhavin str., Makiyivka, Ukraine, 86123, Ukraine
  • Владислав Юрьевич Мурай Donbas National Academy of Engineering and Architecture 2 Derzhavin str., Makiyivka, Ukraine, 86123, Ukraine



society, intellectual potential, innovative activity, intellectual property, economic system, market assets


The article describes the scientific and methodical approaches to the estimation of formation and realization of the intellectual potential of society. It is proposed an algorithm for estimating the intellectual potential of society. On the basis of the literature it is substantiated a set of factors that influence the formation and realization of the intellectual potential of society and assessed the formation and realization of the intellectual potential of society in Ukraine and the Russian Federation in 2013–2014 years

Author Biographies

Анна Викторовна Корнева, Donbas National Academy of Engineering and Architecture 2 Derzhavin str., Makiyivka, Ukraine, 86123

Department of Economic Theory Finance

Владислав Юрьевич Мурай, Donbas National Academy of Engineering and Architecture 2 Derzhavin str., Makiyivka, Ukraine, 86123

Department of Economic Theory Finance


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