The study of antiviral activity of the dietary supplement «Immuno-viral with vitamin C» against influenza A/Victoria virus strains


  • Ганна Сергіївна Шумова Bogomolets National medical university 13 T. Shevchenko boul., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601, Ukraine



antiviral activity, dietary supplement, herbal material, dry extract, Vitamin C, capsules


The implementation of combined remedies, having in their composition herbal material, that shows anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, restorative, and immunotropic action, is one of promising directions in the search of effective agents for acute respiratory infections prevention and treatment.

Aim. The purpose of our research was to determine antiviral activity of the dietary supplement «Immuno-viral with Vitamin C» in the form of hard capsules against influenza A/Victoria virus strains.

Methods. Classic virological method of chick embryos contamination in the chorioallantoic membrane, immunofluorescence method for the obtained virus identification, and neutralization reaction in chick embryos has been used.

Results. It has been determined that the dietary supplement components were non-toxic for chick embryos in dilution of 1:10 to 1:80; had antiviral activity against influenza A/Victoria prototype virus strain in dilution of 1:10 to 1:20; lethal toxic dose in dilution of 1:40. After administration of influenza A/Victoria prototype virus strain in chick embryos without incubation with the test remedy (passaging), the medicinal agent retained its initial properties, confirmed by infected embryo cells fluorescence and the further study of the subcultered strain in the inhibition hemagglutination test with chick erythrocytes.

Conclusion. As a result of the carried out in experiment neutralization reaction in 9–11 days chick embryos by the method of contamination in the chorioallantoic membrane with further visualization and identification of material, containing the virus, by the immunofluorescence method of the infected cells specific fluorescence, antiviral properties of the dietary supplement «Immuno-viral with Vitamin C» components have been determined

Author Biography

Ганна Сергіївна Шумова, Bogomolets National medical university 13 T. Shevchenko boul., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Candidate of pharmaceutical sciences

Department of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Toxicological Chemistry


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Pharmaceutical Sciences