The oretical foundations for management of environmental risks of pharmaceutical enterprises


  • Рита Василівна Сагайдак-Нікітюк National University of Pharmacy 53 Pushkinska str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Каріна Костянтинівна Голубцова National University of Pharmacy 53 Pushkinska str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine



ecological risk, pharmaceutical enterprise, management, environmental risks' minimizing, classification, evaluation


Aim. Significant negative influence of processing waste caused by pharmaceutical enterprises' activity upon the environment and population, and the high requirements for the methods of utilization demands the enterprises to develop an algorithm of ecological risks management.

Methods. During the study, the expert method, the content-analysis and generalization method have been applied.

Results. An influence of pharmaceutical enterprises' activity on the environment and population of the region the enterprise is located in has been studied. Dynamic of the population morbidity has analyzed associated with a low quality of the human environment. The need has been approved to pay appropriate attention to the treatment of hazardous substances and to minimize environmental risks associated with the pharmaceutical enterprises' activities. It has been proposed to define an environmental risk as a danger of resources loss, income reduction or increase of expenses of subjects of pharmaceutical activity due to its ecologically destructive impact. The classification of environmental risks of pharmaceutical enterprises has been produced. The model of environmental risks' management of pharmaceutical enterprise has been proposed. Directions of the environmental risks' minimizing have been investigated.

Conclusions. The need has proved to manage ecological activity of pharmaceutical enterprises that will let to minimize negative influence on the environment

Author Biographies

Рита Василівна Сагайдак-Нікітюк, National University of Pharmacy 53 Pushkinska str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor, Head of Department

Department of Management and Administration

Каріна Костянтинівна Голубцова, National University of Pharmacy 53 Pushkinska str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Applicant of Department of Management and Administration


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Pharmaceutical Sciences