The special features of early diagnosis of nonstreptococcus tonsillopharyngitis in children


  • Лорина Алімівна Іванова HSEE of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University» 2 Theater squ., Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58002, Ukraine
  • Уляна Іванівна Марусик HSEE of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University» 2 Theater squ., Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58002, Ukraine
  • Інна Борисівна Горбатюк HSEE of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University» 2 Theater squ., Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58002, Ukraine



Children, tonsillopharyngitis, streptotest, beta-hemolytic streptococcus, MacIsaak scale, interleikin-6, interleikin-8


There was studied an expediency and diagnostic value of using an intensity of clinical symptoms, general blood analysis, interleikin-6 and -8 content in the blood serum for the early diagnostics of the acute nonstreptococcus tonsillopharyngites in children. The aim of the work was to study the diagnostic value of the general clinical and paraclinical indicators in verification of nonstreptococcus etiology of acute tonsillopharyhgites in children and for optimization of its treatment.

Methods. There were examined 98 patients with acute tonsillopharyngites: 66 persons with nonstreptococcus etiology and 32 children with diagnosis “acute streptococcus tonsillopharyngitis”. The streptococcus etiology was proved by the positive result of cultural study of throat swab. As auxiliary paraclinical criteria of confirmation of nonstreptococcus etiology of ATP in patients of comparison group were analyzed the indices of general blood analysis and interleikin-6 (IL-6) and IL-8 content in the blood serum.

Results. The intensity of clinical symptoms that were assessed on MacIsaac scale and indices of the general blood analysis cannot be used independently for the early diagnostics of ATP of nonstreptococcus etiology because of insufficient sensitivity of these methods. The development of acute nonstreptococcus tonsillopharyngitis in children is attended with the normal indices of interleikin-6 concentration and the lowered interleikin-8 content in the blood serum.

Conclusions. To determine the tactics of starting treatment in children with symptoms of acute tonsillopharyngitis it can be used the next clinical and paraclinical complex: the general sum of points on MacIsaac scale, interleikin-6 level, and IL-8 content in the blood serum. An increase of IL-6 level and decrease of IL-8 content in the blood serum of patients with acute tonsillopharyngitis increases more than twice the detection of nonstreptococcus etiology of disease in children

Author Biographies

Лорина Алімівна Іванова, HSEE of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University» 2 Theater squ., Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58002

MD, Professor

Department of Pediatrics and Children Infectious Diseases

Уляна Іванівна Марусик, HSEE of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University» 2 Theater squ., Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58002

Candidate of medical sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Pediatrics and Children Infectious Diseases

Інна Борисівна Горбатюк, HSEE of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University» 2 Theater squ., Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58002

Department of Pediatrics and Children Infectious Diseases


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