An acute myeloid leukemia in elderly patients: the special features of clinical course and treatment


  • Надежда Валерьевна Горяинова State institution "Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion of NAMS of Ukraine" 12 M. Berlinskogo str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04060, Ukraine



acute myeloid leukemia, old age, prognosis, treatment comorbidity, survivability


Aim of research. To analyze an effectiveness of treatment and survivability rate of patients with AMG of the elder age category (> 60 years) among the Ukrainian patients.

Materials and methods. Patients were treated in the department of blood system diseases of SI “Institution of hematology and transfusiology of NAMS of Ukraine” during the period 2003-2015 years. There were retrospectively studied the data of 64 patients with AML older than 60 years that were compared with analogous parameters of 83 younger patients (18-60 years). 

Results of research. In the group of elderly patients with AML the number of clinically-hematologic remissions was essentially lower than among the younger patients and was 14 % against 64,9 % (р < 0,01).  With the growth of age the number of the positive results of treatment significantly decreased. So in the age of 61-70 years old were obtained 23,5 % of remissions, in the age of 71-80 years the number of remissions was 5 %, and among patients older than 80 years the was no one remission. In the first year after diagnosis 48 (75 %) of 64 patients died and during the 2 year 60 patients died. The differences in survivability rate depending on age were statistically significant according to the results of log-rank test (р < 0,005).

Conclusions. The number of obtained remissions correlated with the comorbid state of patient (r = 0,845, р < 0,05). The cytostatic induced chemotherapy on the AML treatment standard «7+3» was carried out only in 25 % of cases, the age of patients who underwent it was 60-70 years. The general two-year survivability in elderly patients (> 60 років) was only 6 %, as that in these cases we are talking about patients younger than 80 years old

Author Biography

Надежда Валерьевна Горяинова, State institution "Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion of NAMS of Ukraine" 12 M. Berlinskogo str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04060

Deputy Director for Science, Senior Researcher


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