Necessity and directions of improvement of the system of state financial control in Ukraine as the requirement of present




system of state financial control, decentralization of power, financially and budgetary relations, reform of local self-government


It is investigated the necessity to improve the state financial control as an important factor of realization of financially and budgetary politics of Ukraine and its economic development and identified key shortcomings of its operation. Ways of improving of state financial control in Ukraine are offered on the basis of it and, taking into account the modern state of financially and budgetary relations at state and local levels (decentralization of power and reform of local government) 

Author Biographies

Євген Миколайович Романів, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv 1 University str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79000

PhD in Economics, Full Professor, Head of the Department

Department of accounting and auditing (faculty Financial management and business)

Деніза Вадимівна Долбнєва, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv 1 University str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79000

PhD in Economics, Аssociate Professor

Department of accounting and auditing (faculty Financial management and business)


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