The dorsal root damage identifications by the longitudal distribution of the evoked potentials of spinal cord




spinal cord, evoked potentials, amplitude, longitudinal distribution, deafferentation, dorsal root


In experiments on cats we recorded somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) of the spinal cord (SС) in response to stimulation of peripheral nerves of hindpaw in normal cases and sequential transection of the dorsal roots of lumbosacral intumescence. It is shown that the point of breaks of dorsal roots in case of SC injuries can be studied by measuring of the longitudinal distribution of its SEP. We explain the reason for the shifts of the maxima in the longitudinal distribution of the answers at segmental deafferentation

Author Biography

Олег Олегович Шугуров, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University 72 Gagarina str., Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49050

Professor, Doctor of biological sciences

The department of general biology and aquatic bioresources


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Biological sciences