The influence of footbolers functional status on the success in football competition


  • Павел Петрович Павличенко Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Health Ministry of Ukraine 9 Dorogozhytska str., Kiev, Ukraine, 04112, Ukraine



functional state, variation pulsometry, fazagraf, football, assessment of success in competition


The search of the simple and minimally invasive methods of diagnostics of professional footballer functional state was always the subject of great interest of sport medicine and physiology.

The aim of research was to reveal the connection between the indices of functional state and indices of the football player success in competition.

Methods of research. The research included 28 football players – candidates to the national team of Ukraine less than 19 years old (U-19). The research was carried out during three matches of European Championship (U-19) and included the use of FAZAGRAF™ method for diagnostics of the functional state. This method is based on analysis of ascending and descending parts of T wave of the standard electrocardiogram and also attended with the change of heart rate variability for assessment of the state of vegetative nerve system and regulatory systems of organism. We carried out the expert assessment of effectiveness of competitive activity of footballers during the matches of tournament and also used the methods of mathematical statistics.

Results of research. The index of integral assessment of success in the game during the tournament was in the mean 0,46±0,016. There was revealed a correlation between the functional state and the success in game. There were received adequate models for forecasting the success in game during the matches.

Conclusion. The success of playing activity of footballers depends on their functional state the day before match. The most informative indices are rest pulse, symmetry of T wave and tension index according to Baevsky. With the help of received models it is possible to forecast the success of game of every footballer during the match. It helps trainer with the choice of players for the football match

Author Biography

Павел Петрович Павличенко, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Health Ministry of Ukraine 9 Dorogozhytska str., Kiev, Ukraine, 04112

Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine


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