The method of information indexing for composing the unit of data processing in the prediction system


  • Валентина Іванівна Кунченко-Харченко Cherkassky State Technological University 460 Shevchenko boul., Cherkassy, Ukraine, 18006, Ukraine



post-coordinated indexing, knowledge base, search relevance, search document image


In the article it is reviewed the method of post-coordinated indexing as one of the reducing and searching information method. Requirements are defined for obtaining the relevance data of the prediction system, indexing features are outlined for the coordinate type of multidisciplinary document for obtaining a search document image. Advantages of coordinated indexing are defined as the possibility of providing the wide and rich view to the document and creation the precondition for the integration the public data of the enterprises and organization to the common knowledge base of the prediction system

Author Biography

Валентина Іванівна Кунченко-Харченко, Cherkassky State Technological University 460 Shevchenko boul., Cherkassy, Ukraine, 18006

Doctor of technical sciences, professor

Department of informatics and information security


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Technical Sciences