Life and career of educator, scientifist, public figure Anatoly Aleksyuk




life and career, Ukrainian educator, scientist, public figure, Anatoly Alelsyuk


In the article are elucidated the life and career, pedagogical views and educational activity of the famous Ukrainian educator, scientist, public figure Anatoly Aleksyuk. The family circle was the important factor that influences the formation of Anatoly Aleksyuk as human-patriot, citizen and nationally conscious, deeply moral and diligent person. The comprehensive analysis of the scientific heritage of Anatoly Aleksyuk and recollections of his colleagues, friends, followers, allow affirm that the school was always the pivot and sense of all his life activity. Along with family it had the crucial influence on his formation as the person, patriot and public figure. School became the sense of life activity. It occupied the central place in its scientific heritage; scientist considered it as an important factor of formation of the comprehensively developed individuality, healthy nation, strong state. So the family atmosphere and the conditions of education at school, college, University had the crucial influence on formation of Anatoly Aleksyuk as the future educator, scientist, public figure. In the family circle he received the high mental and ethical qualities, respect and love to his nation, its history and traditions and also the striving for permanent self-improvement and learning. School teachers and university educators prepared him for the first experience of professional work; he adopted the exactingness to himself, colleagues, pupils that were organically combined with internal kindness, frankness, communicative qualities and readiness to give help

Author Biography

Людмила Анатоліївна Бахмач, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv 64/13 Vladуmуrska str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Department of pedagogy


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Pedagogical Education