Program-configurable networks on base of OpenFlow protocol and their descriptions




telecommunications network, OpenFlow protocol, carrying capacity, work load of channels, OpenFlow switchboards


The review of new OpenFlow standard was carried out in the article, its main descriptions were revealed, principles of functioning and features of architecture were explained and advantages of the incorporated exploitation of protocol with the program-configurable networks are marked. Main advantages of the use of trouble-free and easy in exploitation switchboards of OpenFlow protocol in modern networks with the maximal carrying capacity were also marked

Author Biographies

Юлия Юрьевна Коляденко, National University of Radio Electronics 14 Lenina ave., Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166

Professor, Doctor of technical sciences

The department of Telecommunication Systems

Екатерина Эдуардовна Белоусова, National University of Radio Electronics 14 Lenina ave., Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166

The department of Telecommunication Systems


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Technical Sciences