Multi-objective optimization of the objects with coupled parameters using the sliding window method
multi-objective optimization, connectivity zone, integral efficiency index, sliding window methodAbstract
The problems arising in multi-objective optimization of systems with loosely coupled arguments are analyzed. The integral indicator for efficiency of solving such problems is proposed. It is a sum of optimization levels of the individual subsystems for loosely coupled single argument. The multi-objective optimization method for systems with loosely coupled argument using the sliding window method is developed. The method for optimizing the connectivity zone of systems with loosely coupled arguments is developed
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1. Shorobura, N. N. Razrabotka modelej i programmnyh sredstv dlja mnogokriterial'noj optimizacii slozhnyh ob#ektov v komp'juternyh informacionnyh sistemah. Doneck: DNTU.
2. Stanovs'kyj, O. L., Shvec', P. S., Toropenko, A. V., Bondarenko, V. V., Stanovs'kyj, A. O., Abu Shena, O., Krasnozhon, O. M. (2015). Optymizacija zv’jaznosti elementiv v zadachah avtomatyzovanogo proektuvannja system. Visnyk NTU «HPI», 49 (1158), 170–175.
3. Perperi, A. O., Shvec', P. S., Monova, D. A. (2011). Modernizacija matematychnogo metodu genetychnogo algorytmu dlja optymizacii' geometrii' shlifuval'nyh kil. Visnyk Odes'koi' derzhavnoi' akademii' budivnyctva ta arhitektury, 41, 217–221.
4. Hameyer, K. (2013). Electrical Machine: Basics, Design, Function, Operation. RWTH Aachen UniversityInstituteofelectrical machines, 133.
5. Metallurgicheskie pechi: osnovyteplovoj raboty pechej, nagrevatel'nye i termicheskie pechi. Available at:
6. Pochemu na jeskalatorah v metro perila dvizhutsja bystree, chem stupen'ki? Available at:
7. Bakulin, A. S., Kudrinskaja, K. I., Kui, P. A., Mosin, E. T., Pronin, V. A., Fedorov, E. A. (1979). Sooruzhenija, ustrojstva i podvizhnyj sostav metropolitena. Moscow: Transport, 239.
8. Stanovs'kyj, O. L., Lebedjeva, O. Ju., Abu Shena, O. M. A., Krasnozhon, O. M. (2015). A computer-aided design technology for manufacturing rubber and metal products. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5/1 (77), 23–28. doi: 10.15587/1729-4061.2015.51213
9. Lebedeva, O. Ju., Abu Shena, O., Bondarenko, V. V., Krasnozhon, O. M. (2015). Avtomatyzacija proektuvannja tehnologichnogo procesu vygotovlennja gumovometalevyh vyrobiv. Informacijni tehnologii' v osviti, tehnici ta promyslovosti 2015. Ivano-Frankivs'k, 59–60.
10. Savjel'jeva, O. S., Stanovs'ka, I. I., Lebedjeva, O. Ju., Toropenko, A. V. (2016). Information technologies of optimizing designs and manufacturing techniques of rubber-metal products. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2/2 (80), 28–35. doi: 10.15587/1729-4061.2016.65456
11. Fleming, P. J. (1986). Application of Multiobjective Optimization to Compensator Design for SISO Control Systems. Electronics Letters, 22 (5), 258. doi:10.1049/el:19860177
12. Fleming, P. J. (1985). Computer-Aided Control System Design of Regulators using a Multiobjective Optimization Approach. Proc. IFAC Control Applications of Nonlinear Prog. And Optim., Capri, Italy, 47–52.
13. Stanovskij, A. L., Shvec, P. S., Toropenko, A. V. (2013). SAPR jelektrotehnicheskogo oborudovanija so slabosvjazannymi jelementami. Suchasnі tehnologіi v mashinobuduvannі: zbіrnik naukovih prac', 8, 133–143.
14. Stanovskij, A. L., Shvec, P. S., Zheldubovskij, D. A. (2011). Jevoljucionnaja optimizacija slabosvjazannyh tehnicheskih sistem v SAPR. Pracі Odes'kogo polіtehnіchnogo unіversitetu, 2 (36), 234–238.
15. Stanovskij, A. L., Shvec, P. S., Shhedrov, I. N. (2011). Optimizacija slabosvjazannyh sistem v avtomatizirovannom proektirovanii i upravlenii. Suchasnі tehnologіi v mashinobuduvannі, 6, 129–134.
16. Sigal, I. H., Ivanova, A. P. (2002). Vvedenie v prikladnoe diskretnoe programmirovanie: modeli i vychislitel'nye algoritmy. Moscow: Fizmatlit, 240.
17. Shehovcov, A. V., Krjuchkovskij, V. V., Mel'nik, A. N. (2007). Reshenie mnogokriterial'noj optimizacii s ispol'zovaniem adaptivnyh algoritmov. Avtomatika. Avtomatizacija. Jelektrotehnicheskie kompleksy i sistemy, 2 (20), 26–32.
18. Dasgupta, D. (1993). Optimisation in Time-Varying environments using Structured Genetic Algorithms. Technical Report No IKBS-17-93.
19. Tonkonogij, V. M., Perperi, A. A., Monova, D. A. (2011). Mnogocelevaja optimizacija metodom kompleksnogo geneticheskogo algoritma. Suchasnі tehnologіi v mashinobuduvannі, 6, 276–281.
20. Lebedeva, E. Ju., Krasnozhon, A. N., Stanovskij, An. A. (2014). Metod proektirovanija sistem s sushhestvenno razlichnymi svojstvami materialov jelementov. Modelirovanie v prikladnyh nauchnyh issledovanijah. Odessa: ONPU, 57–58.
Copyright (c) 2016 Павел Степанович Швец, Дария Анатольевна Монова, Виктор Владимирович Бондаренко, Елена Александровна Оборотова

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